The new normal consists of a lot more online meetings than before which brings about a whole new set of new rules and obstacles for communicating. Your appearance, technical setup and other factors affect not only your credibility but also how important you regard the meeting your attending. Make sure you are putting your best foot forward and sending the right message. If you’re running an online meeting, you also need to work harder to keep everyone engaged and ensure no one is feeling left out.
Matthew Landis, Filament Director of Branding+Video, will conduct a webinar that tackles each of these issues and will help you better understand how to navigate this new paradigm and maximize your credibility. This webinar is sponsored by the Nebraska Healthcare Marketers and is open to the public. Registration is due by Wednesday, March 9 at noon.

Zoom Like A Boss
Thursday, March 11th
2pm Central
FREE for NHM Members
$75 for Non-Members